Writer Retreat

Hello all! I’ve been a bit quiet as of late. but it’s been for good reasons! I’ve been working my tail off on a novel for NaNoWriMo. It’s a paranormal romance that I’ve been wrestling with for years, unfortunately. But I think I am...

A Romance RANT

On to my rant of the day… Fellow Seton Hill Graduate and author friend, Tonya Burrows, posted a link to this article this morning, and as I read through it, all I could do was laugh. The author of the article, Palash Ghosh, says, “After all, romance novels...

I Lost NaNoWriMo & It Felt Great!

Howdy ladies and gents, Well as I’m sure you’re all aware by now, November is over. The leaves are gone, the turkeys are safe for another year, and the twinkling lights of the impending holidays are downright blinding in some areas. It also means National...

Happy Thanksgiving

I’d like to wish you all a wonderful and sexy Thanksgiving! It’s been hard for me to come up with things for which I am thankful this year. I have buried two family members, and a family pet in the last ten months, and have another family pet who is...