Introducing New Additions to the Family

New Fur-babies! Mr. Nichole and I are so happy to announce the additions of our fur babies, Boots and Rusty! Boots and Rusty are an old married couple/bonded pair that have been together their whole lives. They’re both senior dogs (around 8-10 years old) and...

Writer Retreat

Hello all! I’ve been a bit quiet as of late. but it’s been for good reasons! I’ve been working my tail off on a novel for NaNoWriMo. It’s a paranormal romance that I’ve been wrestling with for years, unfortunately. But I think I am...

Reality TV Show for Writers

So I’ve recently had this idea that I want to create a Reality TV Show kind of like a cross between American Idol and The Bachelor. The judges/panelists would be one USA Today/NY Times Bestseller, two agents, and two editors. The authors/writers would all be...